Paz y Desarrollo tuyển dụng Consultancy for Evaluation Research (20/07/2014)

Paz y Desarrollo tuyển dụng Consultancy for Evaluation Research (20/07/2014)
Paz y Desarrollo (PyD) is seeking for a Consultancy for evaluation research on secondary school students who have participated in “The Love Journey,” a primary prevention of gender-based violence project in Danang City, Vietnam.

Please find more details in the attached ToR.

Interested research institutes/organisations and individual consultants/teams of consultants should submit a consultancy proposal, curriculum vitaes of the proposed consultants and a cover letter to The Love Journey Project (HTYT), Room 101, 34 Ha Thi Than, Son Tra, or preferably via email to Ms. Ngo Thi Thuan, Project Coordinator:

Closing time for application is on July 20th, 2014.


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